This is the website of Marius Zimmermann, postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Regensburg. I am interested in the way we plan and coordinate actions, when acting alone (action planning), when performing actions together with other people (joint action), and when perceiving actions of others (action observation). I use behavioural and neuroimaging methods (MRI, TMS, EEG) in healthy subjects to study how neural structures and functions support action related cognition.
18-10-2024 New paper in Imaging Neuroscience
How to analyse interbrain synchronization? We used simulated and real dual-EEG (hyperscanning) data to investigate how methodological decisions affect measures of interbrain synchronization. Work with Kathrine Schultz-Nielsen, Guillaum Dumas, and Ivana Konvalinka. Now published in Imaging Neuroscience:
26-09-2024 Seeing and Acting Workshop, Coimbra
Presenting and discussing current work in Action planning and recognition in Coimbra, Portugal, at SAW - the Seeing and Acting Workshop
18-09-2024 Chapter on Motor functions and actions
Together with Angelika Lingnau, we contributed a chapter on Motor functions and actions to the 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia of the Human Brain
 18-03-2024 TeaP 2024 in Regensburg
The Conference of Experimental Psychologists, TeaP, has taken place at the University of Regensburg. Angelika Lingnau and I organized a symposium on Cognitive and Neural Processes Underlying the Perception of Actions, Scenes and Objects. Thanks to all attendees and our speakers: Moritz Köster, Maëlle Lerebourg, Laura Stoinski, Davide Cortinovis, André Bockes, Melissa Vo, Daniel Kaiser, Siying Xie, Maximilian Reger, Moritz Wurm, and Ricarda Schubotz!
14-07-2023 Registration open for CuttingGardens 2023 - Regensburg hub

Join us at the Regensburg Garden, part of the CuttingGardens 2023 EEG and MEG methods multi-hub meeting organized by the CuttingEEG association in October, organized by the Chair of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Regensburg. Visit our garden website for more information, schedule and registration, including abstract submission for talks and posters.
04-05-2023 Visiting CAOs in Rovereto
Together with the Cognitive Neuroscience lab at the University of Regensburg we traveled to Rovereto, Italy, to present several of our projects on neural action spaces, perception of scenes and objects as part of action recognition, and the time course of neural representations at the CAOs workshop: Concepts, Actions, and Objects.
11-09-2022 Minvera-Gentner-Symposium in Regensburg
Over the course of three days we had talks and posters and discussions on the cognitive architecture and corresponding brain signatures underlying the perception, recognition and generation of goal-directed actions at the Minerva-Gentner-Symposium in Regensburg
16-02-2022 New paper in Royal Society Open Science
Together with Ivana Konvalinka and Arianna Schiano Lomoriello at DTU we published the first of our dual-EEG papers in RSOS: Intra-individual behavioural and neural signatures of audience effects and interactions in a mirror-game paradigm, where we report evidence that observed actors take observers into account in their action plans.
23-06-2021 Talk at ESCAN2021
One year late, ESCAN 2021 will take "in" Budapest, where I will give a talk on our interbrain synchronization adventures in the session The neural mechanisms underpinning joint action.
01-06-2021 Job update
As of June 1, 2021, I will be working in the research group of Prof. Angelika Lingnau at the Chair of Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Regensburg. The work will center around neural representations of actions during planning and observation. Looking forward to new challenges - and hilly routes on my commmute to work!
10-12-2020 Talk in Aalto, Finland
Getting lots of feedback and discussion on effects of SNR on inter-brain connectivity at a talk at the Neuroimaging methods group (NIMEG) at Aalto University.
08-08-2020 Talks in Regensburg and Munich
Before the summer break I have been presenting our current work at the Cognitive Neuroscience Research Colloquium at Regensburg University, as well as at the CVBE e-Lab meeting at the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich. Thanks to both groups for the invitations!
11-07-2020 FENS2020 Virtual Forum
This summer I have been presenting our work on inter-brain mechanisms of social interaction at FENS 2020 Virtual Forum. You still have the chance to check out our poster.
22-06-2019 Poster accepted for EuroCogSci 2019
I am going to present a poster on our dual-EEG work on joint action at the European Conference for Cognitive Science 2019 (EuroCogSci) in September in Bochum (Germany). But first heading to the Joint Action Meeting (JAM8) taking place in Genova (Italy) during the second week of July, where SINe Lab head and members Ivana Konvalinka and Arianna Schiano will be giving talks on interpersonal coordination and joint attention, respectively.
18-06-2019 Manuscript accepted in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
A manuscript on processing of multiple overlapping task timelines in the context of multitasking has been accepted in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Based on an fMRI study conducted at Stockholm University we suggest that multiple overlapping task timelines/deadlines are represented spatially, possibly through embodied cognition.
01-01-2019 New postdoc position at SINe Lab at DTU Copenhagen
In January 2019 I started a new postdoc position, moving from Stockholm, Sweden to Copenhagen, Denmark. I will be working in the Social Internation and Neuroscience group (SINe Lab) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) with Ivana Konvalinka. The project investigates neurophysiological mechanisms underlying interpersonal coordination in joint action using real-time dual-EEG. More about the project can soon be found here.
16-07-2017 Paper accepted in Brain Structure and Function
A new paper has been accepted in Brain Structure and Function. In the paper Is the extrastriate body area part of the dorsal visuomotor stream? we report that functional and structural connectivity profiles indicate that EBA interacts more strongly with dorsal-stream regions compared to other portions of the occipito-temporal cortex involved in processing body parts (FBA) and object identification (LOC). These findings provide anatomical ground for a revision of the functional role of EBA.
28-12-2016 Starting as postdoc
Starting January 2017 I will be working as postdoctoral researcher at the Psychology Department at Stockholm University. Together with Prof. Timo Mäntylä I will investigate how to coordinate multiple action plans and action goals in multitasking settings.
23-11-2016 PhD thesis defended
On November 23, 2016, I successfully defended my PhD thesis entitled “A cortical mechanism for translating action goals into action plans”, at the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Many thanks to my supervisors, members of the manuscript committee and corona, and my colleagues, friends and family that supported me during my PhD and joined me in the celebrations. A digital copy of my thesis can be downloaded here. If you prefer a printed copy feel free to contact me.